Choir Baton Podcast Episode 40. My Voice is Enough... Your Voice is Enough

Jun 08, 2020

Last year Choir Baton sold shirts with this phrase on it. Since then this phrase has continued to evolve in what it means to me. I’ve struggled to find my voice my entire life both metaphorically and musically. In this 40th episode of the Choir Baton podcast I share about how I’m leaning into owning the enough-ness of my voice both personally and musically. And so my question to you is, do you believe your voice is enough? As choral musicians, how often do we allow the voices of choral “leaders” to inform how, why, and what we do and view as “success?” As people, how often do we allow authoritative voices to frame our thoughts, opinions, and actions without engaging in an internal dialogue of our own? I hope this episode helps you begin to think differently. I hope this episode challenges you to think about why you program some of the music you do or want a certain choral “sound” from your choir. I hope this episode helps you think about what success means for you in choral music. I also hope this episode helps you think about why and what you believe beyond the world of choral music, too. 

Choir Baton Host: Beth Philemon | Choir Baton Podcast Producer: Maggie Hemedinger

For more information on Choir Baton please visit and to follow us on Instagram @choirbaton @bethphilemon

Music by: Scott Holmes

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